Improving the yacht’s operational management, guest experiences or vessel systems has never
been easier
Charter Guest is the ultimate replacement for traditional leather-bound information folders on both private and charter yachts. This innovative system ofers instant updates, allowing you to efortlessly include or exclude rotational crew and showcase or hide services and amenities. Imagine seamlessly hiding oferings like snorkelling, diving and skiing when cruising in colder climates, or showing massage services only when a masseuse is on board. With built-in AI, creating guest itineraries becomes a breeze, featuring detailed destination descriptions, local restaurants, and points of interest. Say goodbye to the hassle of reprinting documents, everything from crew bios to daily menus can be updated instantly. Guests will love the interactive deck plans and cruising itineraries, making their on- board experience more engaging. Set-up is super simple, send in your documents and they’ll be uploaded into your system. Enjoy the first month free and elevate your yacht’s guest experience efortlessly with Charter Guest.

IDEA Data Solutions is a market-leading yacht management software company, providing a full range of solutions for superyachts. With a hands-on approach to continuously meet and exceed your needs and requirements, their vastly experienced team work hard to understand pain points, providing intuitive software solutions to improve working life at sea. IDEA YACHT is a complete, easy-to-use solution developed to assist the eicient day-to-day management of superyachts, minimising costs, streamlining mission-critical processes and routine tasks, whilst safeguarding vessel assets and seafarers alike. Plus, they’ve recently launched the all-new IDEA FLEET solution, which provides the capacity to collate documentation, and produce reports throughout the lifecycle of a fleet of vessels. Fully integrated with IDEA YACHT, their comprehensive solution provides shipyards, management companies, fleet owners and other stakeholders with a robust mechanism to protect the maritime assets under their watch and ensure their eicient management. safeguarding vessel assets and seafarers alike. Plus, they’ve recently launched the all-new IDEA FLEET solution, which provides the capacity to collate documentation, and produce reports throughout the lifecycle of a fleet of vessels. Fully integrated with IDEA YACHT, their comprehensive solution provides shipyards, management companies, fleet owners and other stakeholders with a robust mechanism to protect the maritime assets under their watch and ensure their eicient management.

LINK is revolutionising superyacht management with its cutting- edge digital twinning technology. It integrates all yacht systems into one unified platform, including navigation, engines, lighting, climate and security. This allows for advanced monitoring, control, and management, simplifying complex operations and ensuring eficiency for both crew and management teams. The LINKcloud platform is central to this innovation, creating a real-time digital twin of the vessel. This digital twin provides actionable insights, intuitive control and complete visibility of onboard systems, whether managed locally or remotely. LINK ensures complete oversight, enabling eficient decision-making and enhanced operational reliability. Purpose-built for the marine environment, it facilitates communication between onboard systems, reducing the need for additional equipment and ensuring reliable performance.

Have the ‘minimum’ training requirements become the ‘maximum’? Seafarers make vessels safe, are we equipping them well enough? How fast and eficiently will your crew respond in an emergency? At Sentini Marine, they’ve seen first-hand how technology improves preparedness, especially in an ever-increasingly tech savy workforce. Fathom Familiarisation System is an app-based tool to test crew on their knowledge of the vessel-specific safety protocols, equipment and its location on the vessel. Testing crew in this way, allows gaps in knowledge to be highlighted and efectively dealt with in vessel safety meetings or with additional training. Measurable results take away the unknown element, creating a productive platform for crew to be equipped with all the safety knowledge and training they need to keep your vessel safe. Make ships safer. Strive for the ‘maximum’.

IN-YACHT is specifically crafted to revolutionise the management of a single vessel, ofering unparalleled control and eiciency. By choosing this solution, you can have one single tool to facilitate the crew’s routine, control and planning. In addition, you can always access data from any device and download and share information. Heads of Departments, Managers and Owners can check the performance indicators that IN- YACHT provides, in order to always have updated feedback on the yacht’s status. IN-FLEET is the perfect tool when management has to handle an entire Fleet. You will be able to access a secure database where all the fleet’s information is stored and, you can analyse fleet data in a transversal and integrated way. Together, these tools provide a powerful, unified solution for eicient and cost efective yacht and fleet management. In summary, IN-YACHT is integrated, intelligent and interactive. These characteristics are the basis of an eicient, user-friendly and modern platform which will reduce problems, misunderstandings between parties, ineiciencies and vastly improve the overall operational and safety standard of the yachts.